Kamis, 10 Oktober 2013

The Walking Dead Cheats - Stats and Skill hack

The Walking Dead Cheats - Stats and Skill hack


  1. Go to Walking Dead - Click here to play
  2. Open Cheat Engine (CE).
  3. Click mini cpu icon at the top left of cheat engine or the small box under file tab
  4. Select -plugin_container.exe(firefox) or chrome.exe(google chrome) under rundll32.exe
  5. Go to the Upgrade Skills
  6. First Scan your stat points that you still not used Ex. "9"
  7. Use 1 stat point on any skill
  8. Next scan the remaining stat points. Ex. "8"
  9. Repeat step 6 and 8 until only 1 address remain.
  10. Change the value to 50.
  11. Use 1 more point on any skill. 
  12. Now you should see you have "49" skill points remaining..
  13. reserve remaining points to the skills that you want.
  14. Save Walking Dead > Reload Walking Dead.
  15. After refresh you still have skills.
  16. HAVE FUN!
The Walking Dead Cheats Stats Skill hack facebook
The Walking Dead cheat engine, The Walking Dead charles hack, The Walking Dead facebook bug, The Walking Dead free download codes, code for hax, The Walking Dead bot fiddler2

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